Trading Forex and CFDs involves significant risk and can result in the loss of your invested capital, yet users willing to take the risk can make high profits from the trades performed. Trading leveraged products may not be suitable for all investors. Before using Reflecto, please take into consideration your level of experience, investment objectives, specialized knowledge or seek independent financial advice if necessary.

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Strategy provider commission
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Strategy Name Since ROI Followers Comission (USD) User
H1D1 15 January 2020
2 per MIO
MACD 25 May 2020
5 per MIO
CFD 10 February 2020
1 per MIO
Gambit 20 May 2020
8 per MIO
Fast&Furious 22 January 2020
10 per MIO
Sun 05 January 2020
3 per MIO
Formula 24 May 2020
6 per MIO
Astra 19 February 2020
6 per MIO
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